5 Business Portals You Can Make Using Classified Scripts

Business Portal using Classified Script
Classified marketplaces these days are in great demand as they offer easy buy and sell solutions to users. If you are looking to start your own classified marketplace and generate significant revenue, investing in a classified marketplace will enable you to manage a profitable business. However, creating a website from scratch is an expensive and time-consuming affair. You can minimize your costs and launch your website within a quick time by using a superior quality classified script. 

Here, in this post, we will discuss about 5 business portals you can create by using classified scripts. Read on to learn more. 

Types of Business Portals You Can Create Using a Classified Clone Script

 Job Portal

One of the most in-demand business websites you can create using a classified script is a job portal. As the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, job portals are operating as an efficient platform for job seekers and employers to connect. By using a quality classified script, you can create a functional job portal where employers can find their required talent and job seekers can browse for jobs. 

While creating your website, make sure to use a script that comes with essential features such as advanced search options, resume upload, employer dashboard etc. A quality job portal caters to an essential need in the market and enables you to generate revenue through advertising and premium job listing. 

Real Estate Portal 

Another beneficial business portal you can create using a classified script is real estate portal. By creating such a marketplace, you can enable property owners, agents, and buyers to seamlessly connect and make business transactions. While creating a real estate portal with a classified script, make sure to incorporate the following features: 

Property Listings: This feature enables users to post advertisements for properties with detailed descriptions, pricing, and images. 

Location-Based Search: Incorporate this feature to help your users find properties in particular neighborhoods or localities with the use of geo-tagging.

Virtual Tours: Incorporation of virtual property tours will enable you to engage your users.

By creating a functional and user-friendly real estate portal with a classified script, you can attract a large number of users and generate income in the forms of listing fees, featured properties, and advertisements. 

E-Commerce Marketplace 

You can also manage a profitable business by transforming a quality classified script into an e-Commerce marketplace. By creating such a marketplace, you can leverage online shopping trends and generate significant revenue. You can make your marketplace available for buyers and sellers and facilitate transactions over various categories including handcrafts, home care products, and electronics. 

An e-Commerce marketplace created using a classified script will promote your entrepreneurship and enable you to generate revenue in the forms of transaction fees, advertisement charges, and subscription models. 

Service Directory 

If you are looking to create a business portal that connects service providers and customers, you can consider creating a service directory with a classified script. Through such a portal, you can cover a wide range of services such as beauty, home repair, tutoring, and more. Such a portal will work as a valuable resource for your users to find reliable services in your area. For creating such a portal, choose a classified script that has essential features such as service listings, booking system, and user ratings. 

A quality service directory will help users find services that they need in their locality and enable you to earn through featured listings and subscription services. 

Event Portal 

By using a classified script, you can create a successful event portal and generate revenue. Through such a platform, you can showcase various events such as concerts, workshops, conferences, and community gatherings. Such a portal will serve as an excellent resource for both event organizers and attendees. 

You can easily create such a business platform by using a customizable classified script and incorporating features such as event listings, ticket sales, and calendar integration. By creating such a portal, you will generate significant revenue through ticket sales, sponsorships, and advertisements. 


Creating a functional and user-friendly business portal with a classified script can be a highly profitable business in modern times. By choosing to use such a script, you can get your website ready within a quick time and within a small budget. There are many reputable vendors of classified scripts out in the market. You can choose the best product by conducting research work on the internet and checking user reviews. 

So, what are you waiting for? Create your classified portal and start generating revenue!


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