3 Tips To Avoid Failure While Choosing Classified Clone PHP

In the last few years, classified websites have exploded in popularity. Not to mention the fact that demand for classified clone PHP has reached new heights. This means there's money to be made here. Due to the global pandemic situation, the classified market has gotten a lot of attention, especially because of –

1. Increase in the sale of used goods
2. Job openings in your area
3. Consumption of used goods
4. Deals in real estate (many are selling off their property)
5. To achieve success with side hustles

As a result, you must choose a classified PHP clone carefully. If you buy classified scripts from us, you can rest assured that they are written to the best of our knowledge in terms of –

  • Reliability
  • Authenticity
  • Scalability
  • Future-proofing

O1. A script with proper monetizing features

A classified clone PHP has ready-to-monetize features that allow you generate cash as soon as your site goes up. Some of the ways are:

a. Using Google Adsense program: Placing Google advertising is critical if you want to make a lot of money in a short period. Therefore, it is recommended to buy the best classified script that has Google AdSense integration. You can track the number of visitors to your page and monetize the possibility this way.

b. Featured/Premium Ads: Featured promotions have become the newest way to make quick cash! A classified clone encourages sellers to provide premium ad features to differentiate their ads from the competition.

c. Pay per Ad: As intriguing as it is, classified script owners should take advantage of this potential cash stream by charging sellers for each ad they publish on the marketplace. You can charge a nice sum against it to expand the reach of their products or services.

O2. A feature-laden website script

a. Product listing: Sellers may quickly categorize their product or service to make it more relevant to customers by selecting from a variety of alternatives. Up to four levels of sub-categorization are available in a classified PHP clone.

b. Multi-language translator: They recognize the importance of broadening our horizons to achieve maximum impact. Language, on the other hand, can be a barrier. This is why they've included a built-in language translator to make it simple to translate chat discussions and online material.

c. Messaging widget: For buyers and sellers to negotiate a specific deal or just to contact for clarifying purposes, an internal messaging system is essential. This is made possible via an instant messaging system that transmits your message in real-time.

O3. Suppliers who put you before everything!

There is always a need to maintain an eye on the product or service's performance, no matter how fantastic it is. You'll need analytic and statistical tools for this, which the classified clone PHP can provide.

Reputed sellers feel that when you purchase PHP scripts from them, you are not only purchasing a product, but also an experience. Therefore, they will provide exceptional customer-centric service to enhance your experience:

  • Script installation is completely free
  • Providing the classified clone PHP demo tour
  • Page load and response times are improved via DB normalization
  • Technical assistance is their top focus
  • Technical support and website upkeep for a lifetime
  • Free website customization for the first year

After all these – You won't be having any doubt, will you?


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